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Storm Passing Photograph by Donna Blackhall

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Comments (17)

Shirley Sirois

Shirley Sirois

Donna, this is just splendid!.........L.

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thank you kindly Shirley :)

Jerry Bokowski

Jerry Bokowski

Donna, I love storms, clouds and rainbows and this is such a beautiful, moody capture here of one here! I love use these elements in many of my canvas paintings! F/L Jerry

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thank so much Jerry :)

Mark Ashkenazi

Mark Ashkenazi

Fantastic work l f v

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thank you Mark :)

Jim Fitzpatrick

Jim Fitzpatrick

Wonderful capture and processing! fv

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thanks Jim :)

Chris Flees

Chris Flees

stunning shot Donna...l/f/t

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thanks Chris :)

Sorin Iana

Sorin Iana

Hey, come and buy or download my art at low prices

Dave Farrow

Dave Farrow

Beautiful capture Donna.....I love that gorgeous rainbow....great gold medal work

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thank you Dave, it is sure something that doesn't happen often and when it does to have your camera ;)

Kume Bryant

Kume Bryant

Beautiful capture!! vf

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thank you kindly Kume :)

Dee Browning

Dee Browning

A very strong sky image.

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thanks so much Dee :)

Marlene Robbins

Marlene Robbins

I will post this on my Facebook page.

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thank you Marlene :)

Marlene Robbins

Marlene Robbins

Breathtaking beauty. Amazing photography, Donna! Thank you for commenting on my art.

Renee Croushore

Renee Croushore

Surreal and transporting. V The variety of your subject matter and mastery are inspiring.

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thank you Renee, you are so kind!

Yaser Saad

Yaser Saad

I remember seeing the same formation on the way to Flagstaff many years back. nice one.

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thanks Yaser!

Ernie Echols

Ernie Echols

Cool Capture!!

Donna Blackhall replied:

Thanks Ernie ;)

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Storm Passing by Donna Blackhall
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